Omega Add-on Details


Unofficial plugin for indigiTUBE: the Australian national media platform by and for First Nations people.

April 06, 2024

To download this Add-On, we highly recommend you do it via the user interface in Kodi. Simply look for the "Get More" button in the Add-Ons menu. If you want to install it manually, you can direct download from the platforms link that matches your platform then in Kodi look for the "Install via Zip" option.


indigiTUBE ( connects and supports the preservation of language and culture for our future generations. A living modern midden where technology and culture are woven together. indigiTUBE gathers First Nations stories from the desert to the sea, connecting and sharing culture from our extremely remote to urban regions; from our fresh new talent to archived histories. indigiTUBE is a digital meeting place for First Nations song, dance, language and lore; creating a unified space to share our evolving and living culture. It also live streams 27 different radio stations to hear what's going on around the country. The visually stunning media platform reflects the rich culture of our First Nations people, and the vibrant colours represent ochre, land and sea.

21,286 (this is the download count for the most current version)